Fires Creek - North Carolina

Fires Creek flows into the Hiwassee River in North Carolina near the town of Hayesville. It’s a fast flowing rocky stunner with a good population of crafty rainbows in its upper reaches. These beautiful little bows can be challenging at times to fool into taking a fly. A careless approach can send these trout underneath the nearest rock in a split second.
Careful presentations of little Elk Hair Caddis, small Stimulators and Thunderhead dries will reward the angler. Size 16 and 18 Pheasant Tail and Hares Ear Nymphs will also produce trout. Leaders of 5x and 6x are usually required to consistently catch fish here.
A good streamside trail system provides nice access to most parts of the creek. This creek is also a good Tenkara fishing destination as it seems to be just the right size. There is a Delayed Harvest Section in the lower part of the creek starting just upstream of Leatherwood Falls Picnic area and continuing upstream about two miles. Again a good trail runs beside the stream through this area and the lower quarter mile of it is paved.
More conventional fly patterns can be used here fall through spring for the stocked fish and we love doing wade trips through here. A short 2 or 3 weight fly rod will work well in the higher elevations of this stream and a longer 4 weight is about right for the lower stocked sections.